Saturday, October 1, 2011

Slight Change of Plans

So, I decided not to take the teaching job with the Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC).

How do you have someone travel nearly 9,000 miles and then tell them they will actually be working less hours and earning less pay than you originally offered?

You're enticed into traveling to a country you otherwise wouldn't consider traveling to. You book flights, hotels, eat, drink, spend money, give a boost to the economy. And, then, they break it to you. That they can't deliver on their promise. Never planned to. And, from what I hear, this isn't a unique story. This type of behavior is actually commonplace. I understand that this is mostly due to the lack of structure, but it almost feels like entrapment or bait-and-switch. You travel this far and you have no choice but to take what they give you. I'll admit, I was a little depressed about the whole thing. Thanks to my dad and my girlfriend, Vesta, for pulling me through this.

On October 3rd, I will begin teaching an English for Conversation course at the Cambodia Professional Training Center (CPTC). Part-time. 15 hours per week. I get paid once a month. I'll let you know how my first week goes.

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